Pidato Bahasa Inggris ini adalah pidato bahasa inggris yang dibawakan oleh Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono atau lebih dikenal dengan Pak Sby. Pidato ini disampaikan pada acara workshop "Tropical Forest Alliance 2020: Promoting Sustainability and Productivity in the Palm Oil and Pulp And Paper Sector di Jakarta Pada tanggal 27 Juni 2013 yang lalu.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mari kita simak saja pidato bahasa Inggris Pak Sby di bawah ini :
Assalamu''''alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
May peace be upon us all.
Honorable Ministers,
Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Head of the Presidential Unit for Development Monitoring and Control,
Mr. Paul Polman, Director at the Board of the Consumer Goods Forum,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me begin by welcoming all of you to Jakarta—the capital city which
just celebrated its 486th anniversary a few days ago. I hope in the
midst of your busy schedule, you will find time to explore the city
during this period of festivity.
I commend the Office of the Presidential Unit for Development Monitoring
and Control—the UKP4 and the Consumer Goods Forum for their
collaboration to hold this international workshop. At the same time, I
would also like to commend the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 for its
initiative in convening this workshop, as the first in a series of
It is a privilege for Indonesia to host this important workshop. And I
welcome the choice of Promoting Sustainability and Productivity in the
Palm Oil and Pulp and Paper Sectors” as its theme. In my view, the theme
is timely. It is also relevant to Indonesia, as one of the countries
with the largest tropical rain forest in the world, and world’s largest
palm oil producers.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
For all countries in the world, achieving economic growth is a vital
interest. And central to this endeavor is productivity. Naturally, we
can expect that greater national productivity will lead to greater
economic growth. And this economic growth is essential to the sustained
efforts in increasing people’s welfare.
For countries that have abundant natural resources like Indonesia, these
resources are critical to their economy. Generally, the production
activities of the natural resources serve dual purposes—meeting domestic
consumption and the demand of the international market.
In the case of Indonesia, these natural resources include not only
mining products such as gold, copper, oil, tin and coal, but also a
number of forest and land-based, such as timber and palm oil. While the
economic role of oil and other mining products tend to decline,
contribution of forestry and agriculture sectors to our national economy
is increasing.
In the past five years, forest-based manufacturing industry, including
plywood and pulp and paper productions, has contributed approximately
3.5 percent of the national economy. This represents 21 billion US
dollars to Indonesia’s GDP. Wood products and pulp, and paper
manufacturing contribute to 8.3 percent of manufacturing value added.
Indonesia is one of the top producers of pulp and paper in the world,
reaching about 8 million tonnes of pulp and 13 million tonnes of paper
last year. The industry also provides employment for around 3.76 million
Indonesia is also the world’s largest palm oil producer with about 26
million tonnes production last year. And we are also one of the world’s
largest palm oil consumers. Together with Malaysia, we make up roughly
85 percent of the world’s palm oil production.
With the growing contribution of the forest and agriculture industry to the national economy, there is one question in mind.
How long can we rely on these sectors to boost economic prosperity and progress?
I am fully aware that similarly to oil and other mining products,
forests could shrink, or even disappear through deforestation. I also
learn from our own experiences and other countries, that productivity
alone in boosting growth is not enough. Excessive use of the natural
resources with growth as the ultimate objective, has often led to
environmental destruction.
Therefore, while striving for growth is our priority, I have also given
particular emphasis on the protection of the environment. I balance the
pro-growth strategy with the pro-environment strategy. This is the
essence of sustainable development. It is the development that upholds
the optimum balance between economic growth, social equity and
environmental sustainability. And it is the development that meets the
needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
And these pro-growth and pro-environment strategies are also essential
parts of the “4 Track Strategy,” which also includes pro-poor and
por-job strategies.
As part of the commitment to sustainable development, I have pronounced a
number of policies and directives, and taken a number of measures. I am
pleased to share with you some of them.
First, in 2009, I made a bold commitment to reduce the country’s
greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent from Business As Usual emission
projection by 2020, using our own domestic resources. With international
support, we are committed to reducing our emissions by a total of 41
Second, in the same year, I launched the One Billion Indonesia Trees for
the World (OBIT) program. I am very pleased with the progress of this
program, for we—in the past three year—have successfully planted some
4.4 billion trees.
In some areas, along with this program, we also give economic
empowerment program to farming families who planted productive crops
such as vegetables in the degraded parts of the forests. Through this
program, many of them were able to get good alternative income and stop
converting forests.
I also welcome active participation by business community, civil society
groups, philantrophic organizations, and other stakeholders in the tree
adoption program. Their active participation has contibuted further to
the deforestation program.
Third, in 2010, I established the Indonesian Task Force for Reducing
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), in
partnership with the Government of Norway. The Task Force’s mission is
to prepare relevan institutions for REDD+ implementation and to improve
forest and peatland governance in Indonesia.
We will soon have an independent REDD+ Agency equipped with a robust
measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system, and an
internationally credible funding instrument.
Fourth, in the same year, I also made a directive on the creation of
integrated “One Forest Map” that will help create certainty in licensing
and land tenure. This includes access to more than 30 million hectares
of degraded land. I hope this will accommodate sustainable growth with
equity in agricultural sector.
Fifth, in 2011, I issued a moratorium on the issuance of new forest and
peatland licenses. Last month, I extended this moratorium for another
two years. I have also instructed my Ministers to continue improving
forest governance that will benefit everyone, including private sector
and local communities.
As part of this effort, under a Memorandum of Understanding with some
provinces and districts in Indonesia, the UKP4 is mobilizing efforts to
resolve the overlapping issuance of plantation and mining permits in
those provinces.
And sixth, recently the Indonesian Constitutional Court has decided that
customary forest, or hutan adat, is not part of the state forest zone.
This decision marks an important step towards a full recognition of land
and resources rights of adat community and forest-dependent
communities. This will also enable Indonesia’s shift toward sustainable
growth with equity in its forests and peatlands sector.
I am personally committed to initiating a process that registers and
recognizes the collective ownership of adat territories in Indonesia.
This is a critical first step in the implementation process of the
Constitutional Court’s decision.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In spite of all of these efforts, we remain conscious of the continuing
presence of challenges to sustainable productivity of forest-based
industry. One of them is the practice of land clearing that causes the
recent problem of haze.
As we are all fully aware, since the past few days we have been
experiencing the haze problem in the province of Riau. On the one hand,
this problem is triggered by the extreme weather circumstances, in those
areas where flameable peatland is in abundance. On the other hand, we
also recognized the unlawfull practice of land clearing.
I recognize that this haze has affected neighboring countries, as well
as our own people at the level of dangerous to human health. I have,
therefore, sent military personnel, police and emergency response task
force—equiped with substantial equipments—to combat fires and haze. I
have also conveyed my sincere regret to the people and government of the
affected countries. Indonesia is taking full responsibility for the
efforts to put off those fires, and I am glad that the number of hot
spots fires in Riau Province have been reduced significantly.
As anticipation to the incoming dry season—normally peaks on July and
August—I have instructed the local governments in the fire prone area to
increase vigilance. They must, at best, avoid peat lands and the
underground peat land areas get caught in big fires. We know too well
that only big rain that last for several days which can doze the
underground-raging peat lands.
I note that at some point, this problem has involved agriculture and
forest-based industries. Despite the fact that Indonesia is equipped
with an early warning system which is capable of identifying fire
hotspots in advance, we are not able to prevent such fires if companies
and local communities do not comply with the regulatory framework in
Indonesia. Companies have to ensure compliance which is enforced to the
lowest level of operations on the ground.
In addition to complying with the regulations, I believe that
governments, private sector, and local communities need to work together
to create innovations in forestry and agriculture development. These
innovations should be cost-effective, just and environment-sensitive.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Ensuring sustainable use of forests is the responsibility of all of us.
On the part of the Indonesian Government, I have just outlined what the
Indonesian Government has and will continue to do in that regard. I must
underline that local governments also have responsibility.
Business sector must also contribute to sustainable forestry. I am fully
aware that profit is the drive of every business. Yet, I also believe
that while making profits, companies could avoid an encroachment of
natural tropical forests. They could ensure deforestation-free supply
chains, and support the livelihoods of indigenous people and
forest-dependent communities.
In this regard, I am pleased to observe that some companies have adopted
forest conservation policy. I look forward to the implementation of
this policy. And I encourage more companies to follow this step.
I also attach particular importance of the role of the civil society
groups. These groups could help governments and private sector to
identify solutions and assist in delivery on the ground. In my meeting
with Mr. Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace International
early this month, I invited Greenpeace to constantly give the Government
inputs to strengthen our efforts in solving environmental problems.
Indeed, we all have responsibility. But we cannot do it alone.
Therefore, in my view, partnership is critical. Governments—national and
local, private sector, civil society groups need to join hands to
prevent deforestation and promote reforestation.
Still in the spirit of this partnership, I believe that developed
countries must take the lead in reducing their greenhouse gasses
emissions, while developing countries must do more. This is what I call
common and shared responsibility.
Under such a circumstance, we cannot ask one country to maintain its
growth in order to support the global economic recovery, while
sanctioning some countries on the allegation of environmental violation.
In short, fairness is one of the important principles in building
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I conclude, let me say a few words regarding the importance of
sustainable forestry in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
I am pleased to inform you that the UN High-Level Panel of Eminent
Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda has completed its Report. I
was privileged to serve as one of the Co-Chairs of the Panel. And during
my co-chairmanship, I had received support and briliant inputs from our
friend Mr. Paul Polman—an eminent member of the Panel, who is present
here among us.
The Report underlines that in addition to restoring soil and managing
grasslands, sustainable forestry is critical to the reduction of carbon
emissions at very little cost. In one of the illustrative target, the
Report gives emphasis to the significance of tackling deforestation and
increasing reforestation, with a view to realizing sustainable
I encourage this workshop to also consider the insights from the Report
in its deliberations. And I look forward to the recommendations from the
workshop on the best ways to balance between productivity and
sustainability in the palm oil and pulp and paper sectors.
To my Indonesian collegues, let me emphasize that this workshop should
be the beginning of our national multi-stakeholder process to promote
sustainability and productivity. I hope at later stage, this process
will go beyond palm oil and pulp and paper sectors.
Finally, by saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim, I declare this International Workshop as officially open.
Thank you.
Wassalamu''''alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Jakarta, 27 June 2013
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